My Scentsy Story – How it Began!

Hi all!

After a very bad personal experience back in August 2011, I needed something to distract me and focus my attention on.  I had a three year old daughter who was at pre-school 3 half-days a week and nursery 1 day a week and I worked part-time as a Care Assistant.  When my daughter was at pre-school and I wasn’t at work, I found my mind wandering.  I desperately needed to find something to focus my energy on.

Like everybody these days, a little extra cash in the pocket would be great so I thought of looking into joining a direct selling company.  I originally considered the obvious well known companies that everyone has heard of but had to be honest with myself that catalogue delivery and collection seemed a little monotonous and as there are so many consultants out there to compete with I didn’t see these as a long-term option.

I then started browsing the internet reading about all the different companies out there trying to find something that I was genuinely interested in and would actually want to buy myself.  I ended up browsing forums such as Netmums and Money Saving Expert and kept finding references to a company called “Scentsy”.  I had never heard of them before and was intrigued to learn what it was they did.  I googled Scentsy and it took me straight to the US website which then redirected me to the UK site.  As soon as I saw the products I instantly new this was for me!  I loved the designs of the warmers and when I read the fragrance descriptions I could visualise it in my home.  I then browsed the website and was hooked!!

I had a look at how to join Scentsy as I knew this was for me – now was the time to break the news to my husband!  Money was a little tight as I had been off sick from work for a few months (unpaid) and I needed to convince my husband that the joining fee was well worth the money and that I would make a success of this!  We had joined Herbalife a few years ago and although we had tried very hard to make a go of it we made no money at all – we have since put this down to not loving the product – you need to have a passion for it – so he suggested before I jumped in both feet first, I ask questions.  I got in touch with a consultant, Sarah and asked thousands of questions!  I already knew I was joining but had to go through the motions for my husband!  lol

The next day, my husband could see my determination and I signed up.  The joining fee is £94.00 (including shipping) but for that price you receive over £200.00 of products plus three months free website subscription.  My mind was buzzing with ideas of how to sell (I am quite a shy person and the thought of party hosting terrified me so I knew I had to concentrate on other ideas).  My husband hijacked my laptop for days designing our homepage for our website (after hours of discussions deciding a name for my business) and Sarah added me to all the closed Facebook groups for Scentsy Consultants.  It was slightly strange when I first joined these pages, I thought consultants would be very competitive because, at the end of the day, everyone wants the sale, but this couldn’t have been further from the truth.  I hate it when people say “we are one big family” etc etc but everyone was incredibly welcoming and helpful and I knew Scentsy was my future.  I created a fan page and started letting my friends and family know of my new venture.

I sat patiently waiting for the UPS man to arrive with my starter kit and when I saw the lovely sight of that brown van pull up outside my house, it was like all my Christmases had come at once!  Me and my daughter raced to the door (me as I was so excited about getting my kit) and Emily as she was going through a stage of telling visitors to our door that she had two nans!!

Emily grabbed Mollie the Monkey a Scentsy Buddy from the box (a soft-toy with replaceable scent paks) and I set my warmer up with the fragrance bar Skinny Dippin‘ – yum. xx

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